Social Security Numbers

The University of Florida actively limits use of and protects the personal identification information that it collects, including Social Security numbers (SSNs). 

Collection and use of SSNs is authorized by Florida law (F.S. 119.071(5)), which provides that a “public agency” in the state of Florida may collect and use SSNs where the agency is specifically authorized by law to do so or where it is imperative for the performance of the agency’s duties and responsibilities as prescribed by law. 

Florida law also requires a public agency collecting an individual’s SSN to notify the individual of the specific authority by which it is collecting the SSN. The University of Florida published an SSN Matrix to assist with this notification. 

Please be aware that the following uses of SSNs are already approved and do not require additional permission from the Privacy Office: 

  • Tax Reporting – for use as a taxpayer ID for all tax information reported to the IRS, including:
    • Wage and withholding data for employees,
    • Honoraria provided to guest lecturers,
    • Incentives for research participants,
    • Payments for independent contractors.
  • Financial Aid – for use to obtain federal financial aid information and to identify or confirm the level of financial aid assistance.
  • Human Resource Services – for use on federal I-9 forms for hiring purposes, and by certain benefit providers, such as insurance companies for verification of eligibility and coordination of benefits.
  • Law Enforcement – for law enforcement and criminal information purposes. In the event such agencies request SSN information using proper procedures, it will be provided following review and approval by the Vice President for Human Resources and General Counsel.
  • Business Imperatives of the University of Florida –
    • Identity Management – to maintain the integrity of student records and verify the identities of students and workforce members.
    • External Reporting – to fulfill the University’s responsibility to provide transcripts and other information for which more universally known IDs are needed and approved.
    • University Litigation

To request permission to use and/or collect SSNs for purposes that are not already approved or described in the SSN Matrix, please review the following instructions below: